Monday, October 13, 2008

When it Rains, It Pours!!

It seems that at our house, when it rains, it pours. The girls both had fevers on Wednesday night when we put them to bed and carried them throughout the night and into the next day. Ali complained of a sore throat and Josie displayed the same symptoms. I looked in their throats and Ali's tonsils were swollen and huge. Josie's tonsils were swollen and even bigger, I'm talking almost touching each other. So on Thursday, we took them both to the doctor......Tonsillitis. Prescription for meds, took the meds......and so on. I stayed home with them on Friday and Josie broke her fever during her nap and was starting to feel better. Alivia on the other hand took a while to let her meds take effect. Needless to say by Saturday afternoon they were both feeling better. End of story, right??? NOPE. Josie awoke from her nap on Saturday SCREAMING in horrifying pain and holding and rubbing her eye. Calmed her down, tried flushing it with distilled water and she was still screaming with pain. So after supper, we took her to the ER (our new BFF) and she had a huge scratch on her pupil and iris, so after much screaming and a few eye drops later, the scratch improved by Sunday and after the follow up visit with the eye doctor today it is almost healed!! So that is our crazy weekend in a nutshell, sick kids, scratched eyes.....what more could you want!!

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