Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Happy Mother's Day to all the mothers I know!

Happy Belated Mother's Day to all the Mother's I know!! I had a WONDERFUL Mother's Day! Cory worked the weekend so the girls and I had the house to ourselves and did our own thing. We worked really hard on, picking up, cooking, baking, playing, washing and folding laundry, painting a Mother's Day project for Grandma's and the biggest accomplishment of the day was getting the baby's room cleaned out and semi-ready for our new arrival......we are 7 weeks and counting!! Then on Sunday.....we played, lazed around and enjoyed the day. The girls had to give me my gift and cards before church as they were so excited to give me what they each picked out at the store......which were hair clips and pony tail holders!! They are so observant that I had misplaced all of mine and was in need of some new ones!! Church was packed with mothers and their families....a great sight to see!! Ali sang with her Sunday school class and it's always so cute to see them perform! After church and Sunday School, we made some cookies, rested, played outside then went to Cory's mom and dad's for a potluck-grill-out.....too much food....but man was it good! I went to bed feeling like the luckiest mom in the world. Kids are such a blessing and bring so much joy and being honored on Mother's Day is priceless!!

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