Thursday, April 16, 2009

This and That - a Catch up!

Well,'s been since February since I have posted are my excuses.....we have moved and I seem to never have time to sit at home and do a post and I could post at work, but we have been busy and I am not sure to what extent I am suppose to be doing non-work related things on the computer!! Here goes on catching you all up on a few things in our lives........

We have been keeping very busy getting settled and I don't know if I can even tell what I've done. We have not sold our old house, but have quite a few people look at it.....we just want it sold so we can be done with that part of the whole move! I have had a hard time adjusting to the bigger house...I know it sounds weird, but you see in my old house, I had everything on one floor....bathroom, bedroom, it is split between 3 floors and it kinda sucks! The bathroom is on the 3rd floor or in basement and the laundry is in the to do laundry it's alot of up and down climbing......and in my condition.....its NOT fun! I would love to post some pictures, but in the move, we have misplaced our digital we are waiting to find it or we will have to get a new one!!

The pregnancy is progressing well....we are on week 29.....the countdown is on I guess. We are all getting excited for the arrival of #3, but have nothing settled in the baby's seems to still be the "catch-all" room. Vericose veins in my leg and pelvic pressure have been giving me quite a problem...these things are not fun and a lot of times prohibit me from getting anything done after work......this COULD be part of our not getting settled very fast??!!??!

We had a GREAT Easter.....we {the girls and I, Cory had to work :(} traveled to my parents house for the weekend. We had the Easter Egg Hunt in town....which was great....always fun to go to those small town events and see friends and catch up!!! Then we organized a scavenger hunt for my niece and nephews and the girls. We had that in the afternoon and a fabulous supper put on by mom and dad. After a night of cards, kids and food, it was time to crash and await Easter morning. Church was nice and the breakfast was yummy. Then we had the afternoon to laze around and enjoy the day! The Sat. nite supper is totally the way to was so relaxing to have Sunday to do whatever.

Well, that sums up what we have been busy with since the last post....again, sorry for the time lapse in between posts....I always hope to be better, but am just not sure if this will be an option!! Ha!! Later!!

1 comment:

Jennifer said...

Nice to see a post from you! I hope you find/get a camera by the time your baby is born. Hope to see pics of your house, too!