Thursday, October 30, 2008
It's Almost Halloween!!
I know, I know, it's been a long time since a post....I keep meaning to post from home so I can include this cute picture, but I never seem to have time!! Tomorrow is Halloween, I'm usually not one to get super excited for this holiday, but I do like the decorations and I love the girls' costumes this year. I picked them out since it will probably be my last year to do so since their independence is becoming very abundant. I think Alivia was a little disappointed that she didn't get to pick hers out, but she likes what she is and I promised her that next year she would get to pick!! I will make sure to post pictures as soon as possible after tomorrow!!! The weather should be great for Trick-or-Treating, so have fun and BE SAFE!!!
Wednesday, October 22, 2008
Josie's 2nd Birthday

Top: Abby & Cole
Middle: Josie
Middle: Max, Alivia, Mithell
Front: Noah

Decorating Pumpkins
We had Josie's birthday party this past weekend and it was a huge sucess!! She wanted a "baby" cake, so she got a Cabbage Patch Kid....oh the memories of childhood! There were lots of kids, cake, pumpkins and fun!! I believe a good time was had by all!! Enjoy the photos....sorry for the sideways ones....haven't figured out how to turn them yet.....I think I'm doing pretty good with getting pictures on my post!! ENJOY!!!
Monday, October 13, 2008
When it Rains, It Pours!!
It seems that at our house, when it rains, it pours. The girls both had fevers on Wednesday night when we put them to bed and carried them throughout the night and into the next day. Ali complained of a sore throat and Josie displayed the same symptoms. I looked in their throats and Ali's tonsils were swollen and huge. Josie's tonsils were swollen and even bigger, I'm talking almost touching each other. So on Thursday, we took them both to the doctor......Tonsillitis. Prescription for meds, took the meds......and so on. I stayed home with them on Friday and Josie broke her fever during her nap and was starting to feel better. Alivia on the other hand took a while to let her meds take effect. Needless to say by Saturday afternoon they were both feeling better. End of story, right??? NOPE. Josie awoke from her nap on Saturday SCREAMING in horrifying pain and holding and rubbing her eye. Calmed her down, tried flushing it with distilled water and she was still screaming with pain. So after supper, we took her to the ER (our new BFF) and she had a huge scratch on her pupil and iris, so after much screaming and a few eye drops later, the scratch improved by Sunday and after the follow up visit with the eye doctor today it is almost healed!! So that is our crazy weekend in a nutshell, sick kids, scratched eyes.....what more could you want!!
Saturday, October 11, 2008
A Quick Weekend Funny
Last night we were piddling around the house and Cory said "Ali, can you please put my shirt in the hamper? " Ali replied disruntledly, " Uh! Your making me work like Cinderella!" What they don't pick up on!!! Gotta love those little kid sayings!
Thursday, October 9, 2008
The FLU shot
So, we're driving in the car last night, running some errands and Cory blurts out "Who wants to get a flu shot???" Josie being the innocent saint she is yells "I do!" Which by the way is what she answers to anyone who asks her if she wants to do something. And Ali on the other hand says "Not me!" and I said "I do so I don't get the flu and can try to stay helathy" Then Ali replies, "Yeah, me too!" We continued to drive a few more minutes and Ali says "You guys were just kidding right?!?" We both busted out laughing and did not have the heart to tell here we weren't kidding!! So, needless to say, both my girls will not be happy when that cold day arrives and they have to get poked by that aweful little needle!! Tis the season for FLU SHOTS!!! Get yours today!!
Wednesday, October 8, 2008
The Weekend!
Okay, so I am a little late posting about the weekend, but I am skepticle about posting because I don't want to bore others, but I got up enough guts to post today. We, the girls and I, went to mom and dad's this was an early Saturday morning as I had to have Ali to gymnastics at 8:00 am, thankfully it is on the way home so we didn't have to go out of our way. I thought the girls would sleep the whole way since it was Josie's nap time, but I was wrong....they were awake and kept me company the whole way!! We arrived and had some lunch and played with mom, my grandma and my this point, I was non-existant, as I usually am when the girls are at my parents' house. We had an enjoyable afternoon playing with some cousins we hadn't seen in a while and that night dad watch Josie while us others went to the play "Little Shop of Horrors".....sounds a little scary and not so much a kid play???!! Well, IT WAS GREAT!!! Small town theater usually raises an eyebrow or two, but this theater usually has pretty good productions. Ali loved it and so did the rest of us!! Sunday brought some great food with the family and then it was time to head back.....a nice peaceful ride mind you, the kids slept and I enjoyed some fine tunes. That was our weekend, nothing too fancy but some good old relaxation. Nothing beats going home to relax and spend time with family!!
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